荷蘭藝術節 - 前衛、創新、新奇的荷蘭藝術節﹐是荷蘭一年一度的文化季高潮。荷蘭藝術節創始於1947年﹐舉辦的目的是以音樂、歌劇、戲劇、舞蹈等動態藝術﹐來表現反映 現實與新穎前��的成就。許多還默默無名的年輕藝術家利用這個機會﹐向世人展現他們的創作才華和藝術天分。荷蘭藝術節的80場展出中會有大約30項作品﹐其 中也包括視覺藝術和電影在內。
The Holland Festival is the annual cutting-edge, innovative, and adventuroushigh point of the cultural season in Holland. The festival was founded in 1947,featuring dynamic arts, such as music, opera, theater, and dancing, to presenttopical and innovative achievements in the dramatic arts. The occasion leavesroom for many unknown artists to demonstrate their talents and abilities. Duringthe festival, about 30 productions will be displayed in 80 shows, in which thevisual arts and film will also be included in the program.
The Holland Festival also extends its domains, such as pop music andentertainment, with which it aims to break down the division between"high" and "low" culture.