1. Sampling Procedures and Tables for Inspection by Attributes
2. Finished goods are not 100% completed or packed goods (merchandises
packed into export cartons) are less than 80% of the whole shipment completed
Finished goods are not 100% completed ==》成品尚未百分之百完成
…packed goods (merchandises packed into export cartons) are less than 80% of the whole shipment completed ==》…已裝箱商品(已裝入出口紙箱中之商品)不到整批完成商品的百分之八十
3. The drop test shall be at an outgoing inspection level of 10% of AQC
(Acceptance Quality limits) sample Size.
The drop test shall be at an outgoing inspection level of ==》墜落測試應採外送測試要求之…
10% ofAQC (Acceptance Quality limits) sample Size ==》可接受品質底限樣本量的百分之十