But one of the reasons HP was shopping fora software company
. in the first place was that it had lost the ability toinnovate from within,
. in part by discarding its engineer-driven culture for asales orientation.
然而, HP 首次幫 這家軟體公司採購 ,動機之一,
. 是在銷售能力上, 該公司內部,
. 摒棄部分幹練人才帶動作業精神,
. 致無法改革創新.
Kimberly Elsbach, a professor at theUniversity of California at Davis
. who co-authored last year's paper titled
. "The Building of Employee Distrust:
A Case Study of Hewlett-Packard from1995--2010,
" traces the beginning of the end to theappointment of CEO Carly Fiorina,
. an outsider who downgraded techies andupgraded herself,
. centralizing corporate control and even starring in an adcampaign.
金佰利埃爾斯 和一位在加利福尼亞大學,大衛斯分校的
. 教授合作編寫,在去年的論文, 其題目,
. 是 "建築員工不信任:
直1995 年 到 2010 年,從 Hewlett-Packard 公司案例研判
"源自 ,任命的首席執行長, 卡莉菲奧莉娜 說起,
升官為己、反降他人, 尤其技術員為最,
Shealso began a series of layoffs--ramped up after a merger with Compaq
. in2001--that took the company further away from its original culture.
她還接著一系列的裁員動作 — —
. 在 2001 年 — — 公司進一步與康柏合併
. 擺脫, 上該舊習, 後蓬勃興起。
That merger, say Elsbach and other experts,.
. reflected a broader shift in corporate leadership
. that favored financialengineering over the real sort.
. 這一合併,反映在實際企業領導者,
. 廣泛移動中, 金融幹練人才受到重視 .
It became common in the 1980s,
. when top executives increasingly began to beplucked
. from finance rather than from industry and manufacturing.
It took along while for this shift to reach Silicon Valley,
but eventually it did.
在 20世紀 80年代, 上述主張, 它成為共同看法,
. 開始拉拔金融幹才,而非工業和製造人才,
美國加州矽谷 轉變就是一例 ,但終就其它也順利跟上.
At HP, that led not only to the Fiorina erabut also to brutal cost cutting
. under her successor Mark Hurd,
. who okayedanother merger,
. with the ailing technology-service company EDS.
由此 ,在HP做為下,不僅菲奧莉娜時代如此 ,
繼者 ,馬克 ·赫德,他精打細算削減成本,
更樂於跟一家,技術服務較差公司, EDS合併。