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John is a gentle, intelligent, beautiful, long-haired girl.

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Hi, I am XXX.
I come from XXX.

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I wan't to express my gratitude to them for giving birth to and take care of me.
you are both so important to me.

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您的電腦可能是使用IE 7.0以下的瀏覽器

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love 愛
for peace 對於和平 為和平 給予和平

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Factory confirm reply.

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 I regret that you are not here (with me).

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球接好! 供您參考。

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Error and corrections:-
I hope that I can help friends who are in good need.

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When I was young, my whole family went for a swim. I was filled with expectations because it was the first time I went into the water.

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Is it inappropriate to bargain for things?

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consta21 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

抱歉好一陣子没email你, 因為我出差去了, 電腦不在身邊. 希望你能了解我不是整天坐在電腦前, 我是很認真工作的人.
我很喜歡你, 也想要有美好而誠實的交往.如果一切順利, 也希望能和你結婚共組家庭.

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你好,我們公司之前有跟一個翻譯社合作 他們可以翻的語言類別還蠻多的英語翻譯,日語翻譯,韓語翻譯,法語翻譯,德語翻譯,中國英,英譯中國,日語翻譯,英語翻譯。中文,英文,日文排版打字雜誌編輯,電子表格文書成績單,若是有特殊需求也可以跟他們談談看,這是我在網路上找到的資料,我之前是給他們翻,在台電大樓那邊的華碩,可以估狗看看。星期一 至 星期五 Tel:02-2369-0931。以上文章來自

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 Make a difference, make not a bureaucrat.

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若是不想出現置入性廣告, 通常每月須付一些錢.否則須改CSS內容.


* 部落格搬家建議(移轉累積人氣); 建立隨意窩Xuite日誌要領


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Basically, Taiwan Oolong tea refers to the bead-shaped Baochong tea, it includes DongDing Oolong,Ali Mountain (Alishan) Oolong, Lishan Oolong.  Along with Baochong tea, it is recognized as two major Taiwan teas.  Generally considered, Taiwan Oolong tea was originated from DongDing mountain located in NanTou County and called "DongDing Oolong tea".  DongDing Oolong tea is grown and produced at LuGu township NanTou county.  Its special qualities have been attributed to its weather (almost continuous fog) and soil, and are famous worldwide.  Oolong tea adopts a little longer fermentation (30% fermentation) tea making technics.  After drinking (Oolong tea), it rhymes the throat with full of gentle moist, sweet and mellow taste, is lasting in steep and has long storability.  It is popularly preferred by tea lovers at home or aboard 

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